The Secrets to Conceptualising, Designing and Creating a Mobile App for 2024


Welcome to the first post in our series: "The Secrets to Conceptualising, Designing, and Creating a Mobile App for 2024". Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an established business owner looking to venture into the mobile space, this series is your go-to guide. Today, we're kicking off with why 2024 is the golden year to jump into mobile app development.

Why 2024?

Well, quite simply, if you’ve got a good idea you’ll want to act fast. With just under three months left in 2023, realistically you don’t have enough time to create an app this year. However, my goal for this guide is to give you a framework for how to think about creating your app, so that you can get prepared this year and be in a position to launch an app in 2024.

MULI’s FREE App Design Offer

Of course if you want to skip the learning and detail, our team can take care of the whole process for you - from conceptualisation, to design, prototyping, user feedback, engineering, testing - through to launch, optimisation and marketing. Our Free App Design for organisations with 5+ employees, and start-up founders with 10+ years of commercial experience has been very popular, but we do have a handful of slots remaining for this offer in 2023. If you qualify click here to book your Free App Design now.

The Landscape is Ripe for Innovation

First off, let's talk about the market. Global mobile app revenues are soaring, expected to cross the $1 trillion mark in the coming years. However, it's not just about the numbers; it's about what's behind them. We've seen significant advancements in technology, such as 5G networks, AI integration, and augmented reality, all of which open up a realm of possibilities in the mobile app world.

Unique Insight: Now, you may wonder, with so many apps out there, is there room for more? The answer is a resounding 'yes.' The key lies in innovation. Always be on the lookout for problems that still need solving, or new ways to solve old problems. With the current tech, the doors are wide open for disruptive mobile apps.

Lower Entry Barriers

Coding has never been more accessible. Thanks to an array of frameworks and libraries, even those with limited coding experience can build functional prototypes. The abundance of resources, communities, and tutorials mean that it's easier than ever to bring your vision to life.

Quick Fact: Did you know that many successful apps started as small projects or even as learning exercises? The barrier to entry is low, but the potential for success is high.

The User Base is Expanding

Smartphones are ubiquitous, and the user base is diversifying, with more people across various age groups adopting mobile technology. It's not just the youngsters who are glued to their screens; older demographics are becoming increasingly tech-savvy, expanding the potential market for your app.

Investors are Keen

With the tech industry booming, investors are actively searching for the next big thing. There's a wealth of funding options available, from traditional venture capital to crowdfunding platforms. However, the competition for funding is fierce, and that's why having a well-thought-out plan and a unique value proposition is crucial.

Unusual Tip: Instead of chasing investors, focus on building a minimum viable product (MVP) and gaining initial traction. You'll find that investors will be more willing to come to you when they see you have something valuable.

Optimisation and Monetisation are Easier than Ever

There are countless tools and platforms available to not just help you build your app but also to optimise its performance and monetise it effectively. From analytics platforms that break down user behaviour to ad networks that help you generate revenue, the resources at your disposal are abundant.

Don't Miss the Boat

So, why is 2024 your year for mobile app development? Because it's an amalgamation of ripe market conditions, technological advancements, and a lower barrier to entry. This year offers a unique sweet spot, a harmonic convergence of factors that make it the perfect time to bring your mobile app idea to life.

Last Piece of Wisdom: It's not about getting into the app market; it's about staying there. Future posts in this series will dive deep into topics like design, tech stacks, and monetisation, offering you the knowledge you'll need to not only launch your app but to keep it successful in the long term.

So stay tuned for our upcoming posts, and let's make 2024 the year your mobile app takes the world by storm!

Thank you for joining us for the first post in this informative series. Bookmark this page and keep an eye out for future posts that will serve as your comprehensive guide to making it big in the mobile app world in 2024.