
AI and the Hype Cycle: A Rollercoaster Ride Towards Social Acceptance

AI and the Hype Cycle: A Rollercoaster Ride Towards Social Acceptance

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. From the chatbots that greet us on websites to the self-driving cars that promise to revolutionise transportation, AI is no longer a futuristic fantasy. But how will society's acceptance of this transformative technology develop? The Gartner Hype Cycle offers a fascinating lens through which to examine this journey.

Pre-Launch Frenzy: Building a Community of Superfans (The Secrets To Creating An App For 2024 Series)

Pre-Launch Frenzy: Building a Community of Superfans (The Secrets To Creating An App For 2024 Series)

On launch day, instead of hoping for traction from expensive billboards and praying for better responese rates on Instagram ads, we want to have an engaged community to lean on and get the word out. We want to cut through the noise of modern media, not add to it. We want to build relationships with early adopters, power users and superfans before we launch. We want to speak to individuals by name, not shout at the crowd.

Embracing Disruption: How Living Differently Fuels Successful Startup Ideas

Embracing Disruption: How Living Differently Fuels Successful Startup Ideas

In a world where societal expectations often dictate our choices, choosing to live differently isn't just a personal statement; it's a potent strategy for innovative entrepreneurship. This blog post explores how breaking away from standard societal norms can be a catalyst for developing successful startup ideas that disrupt current markets.

Reflecting on a Year of Quiet Achievement at MULI

Reflecting on a Year of Quiet Achievement at MULI

As the year draws to a close, it's a time for reflection and celebration at MULI. 2023 has been a year of significant milestones and achievements for us, marking a period of both consolidation and innovation in our journey. As we look back, we are filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment, particularly in three key areas: successful client projects, mastering remote work, and refining our processes for greater efficiency and impact.

Disrupting the Newsroom: Technology's Impact on Modern Journalism

Disrupting the Newsroom: Technology's Impact on Modern Journalism

Over the past two weeks, my social media feed has been aflame with footage of war and protest. The images and videos are often harrowing, capturing the stark realities of human suffering and conflict in a way that traditional media sometimes fails to convey. This article delves into the transformative impact of technology, social media, and algorithms on the way we consume news. While these digital platforms have democratised information and offered alternative perspectives, they also come with challenges such as misinformation and echo chambers. The piece explores how this complex landscape is reshaping society, both positively and negatively.